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my opinions on hentai can be summed up fairly quickly, so I'll save that
and just ramble for a while, okay?
All righty. I admit, back in my green, uninformed days of being an anime fan, I was in HentaiFREE. *cringe* *hides* Please stop throwing apples at meeee! Okay, anyway, I wasn't sure exactly what it was, I had never seen any, and in other words didn't have a very good idea of it. I had seen some real pornography of real people, not because I actively looked for it, but because I found some on my dad's computer. Buuuuut that's another story that I don't want to start. Recently I realized the error of HentaiFREE's ways and joined HentaiFREEfree. Why was this? Well for starters, HentaiFREE is contradictory and seemed too conservative and censor-happy. Being a self-titled "bleeding heart liberal" (and PROUD OF IT!) I don't believe in very much censorship...of course, I don't want kids to be viewing stuff with gratuitous violence and nudity. But hey, free speech, people. I say if people like hentai, let them watch it. As long as it's not hurting anybody else. I go by the Wiccan Rede when it comes to hentai: "And it harm none, do what ye will." Things I don't like in hentai are child pornography and besitality, or anything else wherein the subjects are not informed enough to give consent. Or "snuff" crap where they actually kill the subject. That's sick. I'm sorry, but even I have to draw the line somewhere. If you actually enjoy and get arousal by watching people being killed, I can recommend a good psychiatrist. That's wrong. Stuff like that only leads to worse crimes. Even a bit of light S&M I don't particularly care for, because any case in which your partner gets hurt cannot be real love. Hello, that's why it's called "making love": because you're supposed to LOVE the person you're with, and if you truly do you would not want to cause them any pain whatsoever. I mean, I wouldn't, maybe others would, but I still object. Back to HentaiFREE, though. For one thing, why do they have banners from series such as Devil Hunter Yohko, Evangelion, etc.? Don't suppose they even bothered to watch the _first_episode_ of Yohko when she almost got raped, or saw her sex-obsessed mom, huh? Or the Eva movies where Rei walks around nude and Shinji jerks off? And Sailormoon banners. Ha. Like Usagi didn't spend the majority of ep. 200 floating naked. And like Naoko-sama herself didn't draw a nude Usagi picture in the Infinity artbook, or a nude Chibiusa in the one I have (with certain bits covered by her arms). And the picture of scantily-clad Minako and Usagi w/Minako feeling Usagi? Must be from a doujinshi, because she'd NEVER draw such filthy stuff! Ugh! *notice the heavy sarcasm* It's just stupid. It seems like they're prejudiced against what they call "pervys" (that's a stupid word anyway). The truth is, every series has at least a little bit of light ecchi in it somewheres. Sailormoon, there's nudity. Pokemon, James wears a bikini with inflatable...uh. Yah. In Tenchi Muyo there are ecchi jokes. Ranma 1/2, there are TONS. Utena, I haven't seen that much, but in the episodes with Akio I've read summaries of the ecchi-level _soars._ Evangelion there are some and there's some nudity and stuff. You see? You can't be anti-hentai because there's a little bit in every series! It's just not possible. Unless you only watch hacked-up dubs where they cut out anything slightly resembling ecchi. Which I think these people do. Nothing against people who prefer dubs, though, there are some good ones. Also, people say that they don't like hentai because it degrades woman and homosexuals. These are usually the same people that think that all hentai is about child pornography and bestiality, and that all hentai is snuff. That's like saying that all anime is about girls in sailor suits, or that it's all about kids catching and training monsters. Hentai has different genres, just like regular anime, and they're all different. You can't base your judgement of all hentai on one or two series, just like you can't base your judgement on all anime by just Sailormoon. What I'm trying to say here is that I don't like HentaiFREE because their original mission seemed too damn conservative for me, but then I find a lot of things to be too damn conservative for me. Their new "sites without hentai" thing just makes it seem like all anime sites you find on normal link pages like Anipike are going to have hentai and that in order to find any "clean" sites you have to go to this _special_ link page. Sure, there are some forms of hentai I don't like, but not all of it is evil and not all people who like it are scum. Please get that into your heads, you anti-hentai miniature conservative teenyboppers. |
Review of Mixx's Sailor Moon Manga Other
anime as compared to Sailormoon
Senshi myths: me misusing my knowledge of the Greek legends. Be very afraid. Great-Grandchild of the A-Bomb: how the bomb is/may be connected to Sailormoon To hentai or not to hentai? My opinions on the matter. |