Villains of Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon
Each season of Sailormoon
usually has one villain group (except for R and Stars, which have two each).
So this makes six groups of villains. This section will have information
about the different groups.
Villains: The
Dark Kingdom
- Queen Beryl
- Queen Mettalia
- Jadeite
- Nephrite
- Zoicite
- Kunzite
Monsters-of-the-day: Youma
Sailormoon R: Part 1
Villains: Makajiu
- Ail
- Ann
- the Makajiu
Monsters-of-the-day: Cardians
Sailormoon R: Part 2
Villains: Black
- Wiseman
- Rubeus
- Cooan
- Beruche
- Calaveras
- Petz
- Esmeraude
- Dimando
- Saffiru
Monsters-of-the-day: Droids
Sailormoon S
Villains: Death
- Professor Tomoe
- Kaolinite
- Eudial
- Mimete
- Tellu
- Viluy
- Cyprine
- Pikurl
- Mistress 9
- Master Pharaoh 90
Monsters-of-the-day: Daimons
Sailormoon SuperS
Villains: Dead Moon Circus
- Tiger's Eye
- Fish Eye
- Hawk's Eye
- CereCere
- JunJun
- PallaPalla
- VesVes
- Queen Nephrenia
- Zirconia
Monsters-of-the-day: Lemures
Sailormoon SailorStars
Part 1
Villains: Nephrenia
Monsters-of-the-day: Mirror
Sailormoon SailorStars
Part 2
Villains: Shadow Galactica
- Queen/Sailor Galaxia
- Sailor IronMouse
- Sailor AluminumSiren
- Sailor LeadCrow
- Sailor TinNyanko
Monsters-of-the-day: Phages
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