The Death Busters
The Death Busters were the
villains in Sailormoon S, led by Professor Tomoe, who was in turn a servant
of the entity known as Master Pharaoh 90. Their ambition was to destroy
the world by making it fall into a period of destruction called The Silence,
which would be brought about by Mistress 9.
Professor Tomoe
Professor Tomoe is Tomoe
Hotaru's father, and the headmaster of Mugen Gakuen. There was an
explosion in his laboratory when Hotaru was young, and she was killed during
the blast. Pharaoh 90 appeared to Souichi Tomoe and offered to save
Hotaru, and Souichi agreed, willing to give up anything for his little
girl to live again. Little did he know that what this spirit wanted
in return was to possess Tomoe's body and later Hotaru's in exchange for
Hotaru's life. The professor is the head of the Death Busters, and
usually he's seen in shadow, with glasses and a huge grin the only visible
parts of his face. He's a bit...mentally imbalanced, to say the least,
and he does some nutty things sometimes, like eating bags of groceries
when he's locked out of his house and playing twister with the Witches
5. When Hotaru is reverted back to a baby at the end, Haruka and
Michiru take care of her until Tomoe gets out of the hospital and he can
care for her again.
Kaolinite isn't one of the
Witches 5, but at first it is she who finds pure hearts to steal.
She dresses...really weird, like Jennifer Lopez at the Grammys. It
seems like she's trying to impress Professor Tomoe, because of the way
she dresses and because she flirts with him sometimes. On Usagi's
birthday, Kaolinite singles her out for her pure heart (great birthday
present, huh?) and puts a daimon egg in a pair of glass slippers Mamoru
bought her. During the fight that ensues (with Minako dressing up
as Sailormoon) Kaolinite falls out the window of a big building and dies.
But Tomoe brings her back to life as Kaori, his housekeeper, and she stays
with the Death Busters not really doing much for a while. When Mistress
Nine is awakened, the first thing she does is kill Kaolinite because she's
no longer useful, but perhaps it was also Hotaru getting back at Kaolinite
for being so mean to her? That seems plausible.
Eudial is the first of the
Witches 5, and she uses a weapon called the Fire Buster to attack and extract
pure hearts. She is notorious for her bad driving, and it is partially
this that causes her demise.