The senshi's names,
birthdays, and their powers and attacks all relate to their planets.
Also, the days of the week are each named after planets. This part
of the page will explain about all that stuff, as well as some information
on mythology and things like that.
Selene is the Greek goddess
of the moon. Her Roman counterpart is Luna. Selene is probably
where the name Serenity came from, or from the Sea of Serenity on the moon.
Endymion was a shepherd
in a Greek myth. Selene fell in love with him and put him into eternal
sleep so she could watch over him. He also sired 50 of her daughters
(while he was sleeping).
Artemis was the Greek goddess
of the hunt, chastity, and fertility. Her counterpart in Roman mythology
was Diana. She was the daughter of Zeus (Jupiter to the Romans).
She was also associated with the lunar cycle and the moon.
Mercury (Hermes to the Greeks)
was Jupiter's messenger. He was also the god of storytelling, eloquence,
commerce, and chance. According to the mythology, Mercury was the
son of Jupiter and Maia, and on noon on the day of his birth he invented
the lyre (notice that Sailor Mercury uses a harp in her attack).
Hermes was the god of good luck, wealth, commerce, sleep, and dreams.
He conducted souls of the dead to Hades, and was the messenger of the gods
who flew around on winged sandals. He was also the patron god of
thieves, merchants, and deception.
Venus was the daughter of
Jupiter and a Titan, also known as Aphrodite to the Greeks. At birth
she emerged from sea foam. She was the goddess of love, charm, and
beauty. In the mythology, Jupiter (Zeus) married her, the most beautiful
goddess, to Vulcan (Hephaestus), the ugliest god, even though Jupiter hated
Vulcan (to me that makes no sense at all). Venus is also the mother
of Cupid (Eros) and was in love with Mars (Ares), and she also had a sister,
Eris, goddess of discord.
Mars (Ares in Greek) was
the god of war, associated with military power and glory. He spent
his whole life battling and fighting and making war. He was hated
by the other gods, except for Venus and Eris.
Jupiter (also known as Jove,
or Zeus in Greek) was the god of the heavens and earth, basically the father
of all the gods, and god of justice. He was the son of Saturn and
Rhea. When he was old enough he overthrew his father. Jupiter
was the god of the sky, thunder, and rain.
Saturn was the god of the
harvest and the father of most of the other Roman gods, known as Cronus
to the Greeks. He was the son of Uranus and Gaea, and also the god
of time. He and his sister Rhea had six children, but Cronus ate
the first five. Rhea saved the sixth, Zeus (Jupiter), and Zeus eventually
overthrew Cronus.
Uranus was the personification
of the stars and the sky. He was spontaneously born from the earth,
and he was the husband and son of Gaea. Their children were the Titans,
the Cyclops, the three-hundred-handed monsters, and some other weird creatures.
Uranus is also said to be an androgynous planet.
Neptune was the Roman god
of water, rain, and fertility, counterpart to the Greek god Poseidon.
Originally the god of earthquakes and water, but eventually became the
god of the sea. He was also the god of horses, because he is said
to have created them. Neptune was also the patron god of homosexuals.
Pluto is the god of the
Underworld, counterpart to the Greek Hades. He was connected with
a being called Plutus, who personifies wealth. There wasn't that
much known about this god (just like there isn't much known about Sailor
Pluto either)
Days of the week
Maybe you didn't know this,
but each day of the week is named after a planet. Below are the days
of the week and how they correspond to the planets (this isn't really Sailormoon
stuff, but you've gotta admit it's interesting). Most of this info
came from Sailor
FlowerPower's Moon Garden, except for the info about the Spanish days,
that I came up with myself. *g*
The day, Monday, is connected
to the moon. The Japanese name for the day Monday is Getsuyoubi,
meaning Moon Day (getsu is another way to pronounce the kanji for tsuki).
In Old English Monday is called Monendai, and in Latin it is called dies
Lunae, both of those names meaning Moon Day. In Spanish it is called
Lunes, which is derived from Luna, the Spanish name for the moon (and also
Usagi's guardian cat). Plus, if you add one o to the word Monday,
it becomes Moonday.
The day Tuesday is connected
to Mars (this one's less obvious). The Japanese name for Tuesday
is Kayoubi, which means fire day (and the planet Mars is called Kasei).
The Norse name for Tuesday is Tiwesdaeg, which means day of Tiw, and Tiw
was the god of war. In Latin, Tuesday is called dies Martis, which
means day of Mars (Mars was the god of war, like Tiw to the Norse).
In Spanish, Tuesday is called Martes. Marte means Mars in Spanish.
Wednesday is connected to
Mercury. It is called Wodnesdaeg in Norse. Wodnesdaeg means
day of Woden, Woden being the god of wisdom and also the king of the gods
in Norse mythology (that I guess explains why Mercury's so smart).
In Japanese, Wednesday is called Suiyoubi, which means water day (the planet
Mercury is called suisei). In Spanish the day Wednesday is called can kind of see the word Mercury in Miercoles, can't you?
Mercury is also the god of commerce, and the patron god of thieves (hehehe).
Thursday is connected to
Jupiter. In Norse it is called Thuresdaig, which means day of Thor.
Thor was the god of storms, lightning, and thunder. In Latin it is
called dies Jovis, which means day of Jove. Jove is another name
for Jupiter, who was the god of the sky, lightning, and thunder (Jupiter's
attacks = lightning), as well as king/father of the gods. In Japanese,
this day is called Mokuyoubi, which means wood day (and Jupiter is called
Mokusei, wood star). In Spanish, Thursday is called Jueves, which
to me looks like Jove.
Friday is connected to Venus.
In Japanese, Friday is called kin'youbi, which means gold day (Venus in
Japanese = kinsei, gold star). In Norse, Friday was called Frigedaeg
(meaning day of Freya, who was the goddess of love and beauty in Norse).
In Latin it was called dies Veneria, which means day of Venus, who was
the goddess of love and beauty (Venus Love and Beauty Shock, Sailor Venus's
attack). In Spanish, Friday is called Viernes, and can't you see
the word Venus in Viernes?
Saturday is connected to
Saturn (no, really? *sarcasm*). In Japanese, Saturday is called Doyoubi
(earth day, also connected to dosei, the planet Saturn). In Norse
it was called Saturnedai, which means day of Saturn. In Latin it
was called dies Saturni (also meaning day of Saturn, obviously).
The Roman god Saturn was a god of the earth (you can see the connection
to the Japanese name). In Spanish, Saturday is called Sabado (I think
that sounds like Saturn, very loosely), which is connected to the Sabbath
(seventh day).
Obviously, Sunday is connected
to the sun. The word sun is in the day name. In Spanish, Sunday
is called Domingo, which is derived from the Latin word Dominus (our Lord).
Zodiac Signs
The senshi's zodiac signs
are astrologically correct with the planets they represent. See,
each astrological sign has a certain planet that it is associated with,
and an element as well. Here are the senshi and their zodiac signs,
and what they're supposed to mean...
Planet associated with:
Element: fire
Comments: Hino Rei is an
Aries, and if you look in a book or something about astrological stuff,
Rei fits the description for Aries too. Energetic, impulsive, extroverted...
Planet associated with:
Element: earth
Planet associated with:
Element: air
Planet associated with:
the moon
Element: water
Comments: Usagi and Chibiusa
are both Cancers, born on the same day too (June 30). They kind of
fit the personality description for Cancers, not to the letter of course,
but sort of.
Planet associated with:
the sun
Element: fire
Comments: Tuxedo Kamen is
a Leo, August 3rd. But...he so does not fit the description.
Extroverted, spotlight-seeker? Not Tux.
Planet associated with:
Element: earth
Comments: Ami is a Virgo,
and she's sensible, logical, a perfectionist, introverted, and all the
other things that Virgos are supposed to be.
Planet associated with:
Element: air
Comments: Minako is a Libra,
and as for her element, she is an airhead... Just kidding. She sorta
fits the stereotypical Libra description: extroverted, sociable, charming...that's
about it though.
Planet associated with:
Element: water
Comments: Scorpios are supposed
to be somewhat closed and mysterious (which I can attest to, being one
myself). Setsuna is a Scorpio, I think she fits the stereotype.
Planet associated with:
Element: fire
Comments: Makoto, a Saggitarius,
fits the stereotype for Saggitarians quite well: optimistic, friendly,
casual, direct, outspoken, freedom-seeking, honest, loyal, etc.
Planet associated with:
Element: earth
Comments: Hotaru is a Capricorn,
since she was born on January 6th. But she doesn't fit the stereotype:
principled, stingy, business oriented and political? That doesn't
sound very Hotaru-type to me, she's more like a Scorpio. Oh yeah,
and the element for Capricorns is earth, that's also the element for the
planet Saturn.
Planet associated with:
Element: air
Comments: Haruka is an Aquarius
who is individualistic, independent, detatched, non-conforming, perceptive,
and logical, like the description for Aquarius says they are.
Planet associated with:
Element: water
Comments: Water is also
aligned with Neptune, both the planet and the god. Michiru is a Pisces
since her birthday is March 6th. She also fits the personality type
for Pisces, being sensitive, compassionate, artistic, and a pacifist (sorta).