Have you ever been watching
an anime and you go "Hey so-and-so looks like this character..."
I have. That's what this page is about: Sailormoon characters and
their clones. Not really clones though, but other characters or people
that look like these characters. Check out my (limited, so far) findings,
they're rather interesting...
Chibiusa and Jigglypuff
This is kind of obvious,
I think. For one thing, THE PINKNESS! *twitchtwitch* Must...destroy...pinkness!
*cough* Anyway, ehm, Chibiusa and Jigglypuff are both pink (and if you
didn't notice that, possibly you should maybe _look_ at your TV next time
you watch Sailormoon or Pokemon). Also, the funky pinecone things
on Chibiusa's head look like Jigglypuff ears, don't they? And they
both sing annoyingly and make you want to punt them off the top of the
National Cathedral. Or maybe that's just me that wants to do that.
Ami and Ayanami Rei (Neon
Genesis Evangelion)
Personality-wise, they're
waaay too different to be clones. It's just the hair. Short
and blue-ish, although Rei's is infinitely cooler (I looooove her hair
and if I had straight hair I would get it cut like that). Ami's kinda...just...sits
there. In the manga it's cool(er) though. And they're both
quiet, but for different reasons.
Nephrite and Tigerseye
(both from Sailormoon)
Like Ami and Rei, they're
too different in personality to be real clones ('cause Tigerseye looks
like he belongs in the Village People and Nephrite, erm, doesn't?).
But their hairstyles are very alike and they're both bishounen villains.
Rubeus and Hawkseye (Sailormoon)
Both of their hair kinda
looks like flames a little (although flames?). It's
weird 'cause all of the Amazon Trio kinda look like a SM villain from a
series past, kinda like Naoko couldn't think up any other character designs
for them so she reused her old ones.
Zoicite and Fisheye (Sailormoon)
Yup, the Amazon Trio are
like other SM villains reincarnated (except they're not, but they look
like it). Zoicite and Fisheye even act alike, crossdressing when
they go to Earth and having the same orientation. The difference
being that Fisheye hit on young men (by taking out their Dream Mirrors),
but if Zoicite tried anything like that Kunzite would be ticked off.