Mars Power, Make-Up
Rei says this to turn into
Sailor Mars in the first season.
Mars Star Power, Make-Up
Rei says this to turn into
Sailor Mars in R on.
Mars Crystal Power, Make-Up
Rei says this to turn into
Sailor Mars in SS on.
Fire Soul
Sailor Mars says this and
puts her hands together, and she creates a fireball that she directs toward
her enemy.
Akuryou Fuji no Ofuda
Rei or Sailor Mars chants
on a ward (those little pieces of paper with writing on them that she always
has). Then she throws this at the back of the monster's head, yelling
"Akuryou Taisan!" The ward stuns them or even drains them of their
Fire Soul Bird
Same as Fire Soul, only
the fireball turns into a bird that flies toward the enemies.
Burning Mandala
Sailor Mars says this and
rings of fire circle around her. She then can direct the rings toward
her enemies.
Mars Flame Sniper
Sailor Mars says this and
a red arrow forms in her hands. It forms a red bow and arrow, and
Mars can shoot the arrow at her enemy.
Henshin pens
3 different ones: the first
one, the one she gets with her R power-up, and the one that turns her into
her super form.
A communications device
that is disguised as a calculator that all the senshi have.
Communicator watch
A watch that sort of takes
the place of the communicators that all the senshi get in R.
The scroll that Rei/Sailor
Mars has that she can use with her Akuryou Fuji no Ofuda attack.