This page is here to
direct you to some sites that are, so you can see what a real KiSS site
is supposed to look like. I love looking at KiSS artists' pages,
which is why I always look for a URL in the text file of every set I download.
If you happen to have a KiSS site I'd love to hear
about it and maybe I'll link it, yes? Well, anyway, here are
my favorite KiSS links.
Big KiSS Page: the obligatory KiSS link. ^.^ This is where most people
first discover KiSS, and this is actually the very first anime site I ever
KiSS Page: some of my favorite dolls are by this artist
KiSS: I think this is my favorite KiSS site, by a really talented artist.
Little KiSS Page: Some very useful things here, and some rather...interesting
Omigod, aaaagh! I actually forgot this link the first time around.
This is the webpage of Emby Quinn, who was my original favorite KiSS artist.
Damn she finishes her dolls FAST! And they're so GOOD! *turns green*
Hmm, I kinda look good in green... *runs off to the Green Party headquarters*
Excuse the randomness.
Homepage: Hmm...some KiSS, useful tutorials, and some really good templates
if you're looking for those.
Tutorial by Zorro: Instructions on just about EVERY FKiSS effect, and
it's explained in much simpler terms than the tutorial on the BKP which
is all technical and stuff
Myu: I love her work, it's so cute! I recommend the templates
if you're ever in need of one, she has lots of good ones. Oh yeah,
and I loved her Athemes doll.
Jenny: I haven't seen many of this artist's dolls, but they look really
good. I liked Mikikona a lot, one of her hairstyles was almost exactly
like Acacia. Weird, no?
Fish Online: KF's site is back, waiii! Her dolls are great, and
on her site she also has art, otaku mascots, and picture tubes for PSP
(which I've found very useful).