Alvitre - original character:
A new character of mine for YET ANOTHER novel idea I have (which I probably
won't end up writing until I'm 30, because I have too many damn ideas already).
She has blonde hair in dreadlocks, but she's Native American mixed with
a bunch of other races so it looks a bit less ridiculous on her than it
would on a white girl. ^-^ She's very earthy/hippie/new age, kind of like
how I originally intended Acacia to be, except Acacia ended up looking
more preppy and collegiate. Am working on a base doll for her right
now, actually...
a fairy: This might be fun,
simply for the setting and being able to design some fairy-stuff.
And I could work out some neat effects with her wings, too. Maybe
I'll bring back my Chrysta from Fern Gully idea....I watched Fern Gully
again recently. *grin* It's really cool...
a Hindu doll: There have
been Wiccan dolls, so why not any other religion? I'd have to study
Hinduism a lot, because I know very, very little about it right now, but
it'd be fun because a lot of mainstream fashion is inspired by Indian-type
clothing, and I think that's cool. Also, I'd have to find a cool
Indian name for her. ^-^
Solaine - original character/movie:
Possible character name; I'm also considering calling her Silke.
She'd be a Moulin Rouge doll, but it's not a character who was actually
in the movie, so that's how come her category is "original character/movie".
The movie itself was okay, but I reeeeally liked the costume designs and
decided I MUST do a Moulin Rouge doll. I already have some design
ideas too.
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Miharu and Yoseiko - original character: Twin dolls! Yay! I dunno, if I ever randomly get the urge to do a twin doll set it'd either be these two or (from Conclave) Sora and her sister. These are more of my really old ancient characters, and they were going to be in an original anime of mine (inspired by Kodocha) that I...sort of gave up on. They're idol singers, they're Shinto priestesses, these girls just do it all. ^-^ So they'd have more interesting costumes than Sora and Raven. Miharu (the wavy-haired girl) is the "quiet" one and Yosei-chan (girl in pigtails) is the "loud" one. And they have lots of wacky friends like Ayashi the art-nerd and Reika the Jesus-freak, who would probably appear SD in the set (think my second Tira set, with the rest of the cast in SD). |
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Hermione Granger - literature: Eventually. Of _course_ I want to do all the main Potter girls! Even though I'm not too happy with my Fleur...she's my least favorite of the four girls anyway. I did really like my Cho doll though, and the spell-casting effects were fun. And I've already started on Ginny, and I have a possible base doll for Hermione, but I don't wanna start her yet. |
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Persephone Cartwright - original chara: She's a character from my novel Third, which Acacia is in also. I want to do another character from Third, but not another Acacia. Calliope might be fun, she's a dancer so she'd have cool clothes...but Persephone would be fun also. Percy (as she likes to be known) is a lot like Acacia; she's almost as liberal but she's a Democrat and not quite as obsessively dedicated to politics as Kaysh. I included a semi-Percy-hairstyle with my Tira doll - the short blonde hair (you've probably spotted the Acacia hair in there too). | |
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Chibi-Will-chan - selfportrait: Yes, another selfportrait KiSS set. I'm not _that_ egotistical, really...This would be different from my other selfportrait set in that it would be me when I was little. I had some pretty cool clothes when I was younger, actually. I'd have to look through lots of old photographs to find some outfits, but it would be fun. I could be in my old room in our old house instead of my new green room. Might be an interesting set to make. | |
Bloomsday doll: What is Bloomsday, you ask? Bloomsday is a holiday in Dublin where people reenact scenes from James Joyce's novels, usually Ulysses. Since I lived in Dublin it would be natural that I'd do a Bloomsday doll, yes? Of course, this would actually require me to _read_ Ulysses and do some research, which I haven't done yet. It DEFINITELY wouldn't be done for Bloomsday this year (June 16? I don't THINK so...), maybe Bloomsday 2003? Or 2004? *heh* | ||
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Sorcha Lalor - literature: This would be my third book character KiSS, if I made it. Sorcha is a character in The Miseducation of Ross O'Carroll Kelly, and she's kind of a brat but she played a trick on Ross and psyched him out enough to make him lose a rugby match, and I hate Ross so I like her okay. ^-^ The descriptions of the clothes in that book are ridiculously thorough, even down to the brand names and the types of cologne they're wearing (!), so I'd have a lot to work with. The wardrobe is mostly kind of preppy and posh, but I can make it more interesting. And it won't have just Sorcha's clothes, but I'd hope to include most of the outfits the girls in the book wear. | |
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Tenoh Haruka - Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon: Well, y'know, since I'm making Michiru...I might as well make a Haruka companion doll, yes? I am so grateful to Sea Sky Wind Water because that page has a listing of just about every outfit H & M have worn in the anime and manga. That listing has given me SO many ideas for the Michiru set, and since it has Haruka, hey, why not make another KiSS? | |
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The Kimono Girls - Pokemon: These girls, as far as I know, only appear in the Pokemon game. They're in Gold/Silver, and they live in Ecruteak and each train a different Eevee evolution. There are five of them: Miki, Naoko, Kuni, and two others whose names I forgot. They all basically look the same in the game, but when I draw them for the doll I can make them look different. Does anyone know where I can get the game pictures of them, and their names and what kind of Eevee each of them trains? | |
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Saoirse O'Malley - Original Character: She's my original Harry Potter character, an Irish witch who's 1/8 veela like Fleur, but she's nowhere NEAR as snobby or "girlie". She's a Hufflepuff, and Quidditch is practically her life. ^-^ I'd make her as a HP KiSS, but also as a model for different Irish clothes (dancing dresses, a leprechaun costume... ^-^ stuff like that). That should be fun. There's already an Irish dance doll, I believe, but this would be different. I've already tried drawing base dolls for her by various methods (editing pictures of Sailorvenus, drawing by hand, etc.) and none of them have come out quite right, but when I do get one finished a thumbnail will go up here. |