1 Name: Willow
2 Aliases: Will, Will-chan,
Lo-chan, imouto-chan (by my Japanese teacher), Mating Gyarados (by my cousin...long
story), Onion, Nanashi, Fondu...many others.
3 Middle Name: Sore wa...HIMITSU
4 Hair: brown...exotic,
huh? Looks kind of reddish in the sun. Mid-back length, insanely
and untamably curly.
5 Eyes: Don't ask me. *shrug*
Sometimes they're blue, sometimes they're green, sometimes they're really
light blue with yellow in the middle (I'm serious, yellow). Right
now they look...hmm, green.
6 Height: Bah. I measured
myself last week and I'm still only 5'6" and a half.
7 Location: The sun.
At least it feels like it sometimes. ^-^ I live in Tucson, Arizona.
8 Birthday: November 6,
1985. You do the math.
9 Zodiac: Scorpio, Ox in
Chinese zodiac
10 Status: in a relationship.
*hugs her gf*
11 Animals: I'm a dog person
at heart. *nodnod* Yup. Lizards are cool too, as long as they're
not, you know, poisonous or anything...I like all animals though, except
bugs and stuff. I'm a spider squisher, I'm sorry but I can't bring
myself to actually _pick_ it _up_ and carry it outside...but I'm rambling
now. I tend to do that a lot.
12 Sport: I hate sports.
Um. Ice skating is cool, though, I skated for four years but geesh...there
are so many primadonna skaters. That's why I quit.
13 Colour: Green!
Blue! Greenblue! And purple!
14 Song: I have too manyyyyy..."A
Sort of Homecoming" and "Electrical Storm" by U2, "My Father's Eyes" by
Eric Clapton, "Tine Lasta" by Kila, "Everything You Want" by Vertical Horizon,
"Foggy Dew" by the Young Dubliners...I know there are more, but I can't
think of any right now.
15 Band(s): Kila, David
Arkenstone, other words, a bunch of people no one's ever heard
of. Oh yeah, and U2, REM, Vertical Horizon, and Eric Clapton.
16 Quote: It changes, like,
weekly. Here are mine at the moment... "Have you come here for forgiveness?
Have you come to raise the dead? Have you come here to play Jesus
to the lepers in your head?"--from "One" by U2
"Know thyself? If
I knew myself I'd run away."--Goethe
"Jackson grows fruits and
then he scares people with them."--Lorelei, from The Gilmore Girls
"Stop with the jiggery-poking
around!"--my Irish dance teacher. ^^;
17 Flower: stock (I think
that's what they're called...they smell really nice), orchids, and palo
verde (this tree in Arizona that blooms yellow flowers every's
18 Scent: pine, Cucumber
Melon from Bath and Body Works, and my shampoo
19 Movies: Vertigo, Psycho,
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Now and Then, The Princess Diaries, Adolescence
20 Holiday: I dunno, never
thought about that before...I guess St. Patrick's Day, even though almost
every year I'm in the parade and I have to dance down the street for a
mile and a half and my feet get all's still fun!
21 Season: Fall, I guess.
My birthday's in fall, the weather gets cooler (thank GOD), it rains a
lot, and it's Halloween!
22 Element: water
23 Book(s): the Harry Potter
series (I'm a liiiiittle too obsessed with those), Brave New World (or
any other dystopian books really), Floating Girl, and the His Dark Materials
Girly Questions
24 Do you wear makeup?:
Only when absolutely necessary, like if it's stage makeup or if it's some
really fancy theater event/party thing.
25 Do you pluck your eyebrows?:
Have to. Otherwise I look like Liam Gallagher, no lie.
26 Do you look for personality
or looks: Personality. Obviously.
27 Perfect boy: *shrug*
I don't really worry about stuff like that now...
28 How many rings before
you answer the phone: I usually don't...I screen. ^-^
29 Future career plans:
*shrug* I'm majoring in illustration, after that I'll just see what jobs
I can get.
30 Do you sleep with stuffies?:
Yep. Actually, Fuzzy the orangutan sleeps on the chair near my bed,
and Paddy the sheep and Prince Hal the bear sleep on my bedside table.
And occasionally my cat Jordan sleeps in my room (and takes up like half
of my bed, and then repeatedly attacks my foot because she thinks it's
a monster, or whatever...)
31 Do you want kids: Well,
not NOW! O_o But when I get older, yes, definitely. A boy and two
girls preferably, but whatever I get is fine. Their names?
Cedric Aidan for the first boy (heh heh...), Roisin Kila for one of the
girls, and I'll let my spouse name the other girl. (I'm so generous...)
Think I'm gonna adopt, too.
32 Are you popular: I dunno
how to answer this question...see, there's really no such thing as popular
in college (those of you who were outcasts in school (like me) will love
this ^-^), since you barely even see the same people in more than one class
per semester, and after that semester usually never again unless you're
continuing in that class...but anyway.
33 Are you pretty: People
say I am, but I don't know, judge for yourself.
34 Do you have your own
phone line?: No, I don't need one. I used to have one for the internet
though, before we got cable modems or whatever you call it that we have
35 Do you get along with
your family?: Yup. I'm really close to my mom, not so much to my
dad, would like to spend more time with my sister, and hate most of my
aunts and uncles though I hide that pretty well. ^-^
36 Do you have any piercings
or tattoos?: Just the standard, traditional ear piercing. Probably
don't intend to get any more.
Do you like...
37 Giving hugs?: Yeah, I
can be a pretty huggy person sometimes. But just to people who I does kind of creep me out when people I hardly know get all huggy
on me.
38 Taking walks in the rain:
Absolutely! Love the rain.
39 The mall?: We don't have
a mall here, we have a "lifestyle center". XD Anyway...I like some stores.
Hot Topic is cool. Old Navy is cool. Abercrombie and Fitch
is eeeeeeevil, I always see people I hate from my old school there.
Millers Outpost, also evil.
40 To go on stage?: Yup!
I love acting and dancing, though I don't do much of the former anymore.
Do you...
41 Drink: No. Somehow
I managed to live in Ireland for a year and not drink at all, how weird
is that?
42 Smoke: Hell no, I'd have
to be crazy to after my mom nearly died of smoking-related cancer and my
grandpa actually did die and ended up with a hole in his throat for the
last year of his life. But enough of my personal rant/diatribe...
43 Drugs: No. I think
marijuana (the smokeless kind) should be decriminalized, but that doesn't
mean I'd use it.
44 Eat meat: Yeah, now I
do. I really tried to give up beef, honestly I did, but I like spaghetti
bolognaise too much.
45 Date: Not at the moment...going
on "dates" with your long-distance girlfriend proves to be very difficult.
46 Sex: well, not with another
person, no. H_H
47 Eat sushi: I like California
rolls, but I get the feeling people don't consider that "real sushi".
I don't like the other stuff. And even with California rolls, I kind
of pick out the avocado before I eat it. ^^;;; I suck...
48 Bake: Um, cookies?
From the slice and bake things? Do those count?
49 Hot or Cold: Cold.
I get enough hot weather here as it is, thanks.
50 Lace or Satin: Satin
feels nice. Lace is itchy.
51 Blue or Red: bluuuuuuuu
52 New or Old: New or old
what? Okay, um, new. I guess.
53 Rain or Snow: BOTH!
Er, rain, I guess. I've never lived anyplace where it snows though...I
feel so deprived.
54 Give or recieve: Give.
Picking out gifts for people is fun, and receiving isn't as fun because
I have enough stuff already.
55 Wool or Cotton: Cotton.
Wool sweaters are cute, though.
56 Rose or Daisy: Rose!
Long live the Seitokai and the Crest of the Rose!
57 Private school or public
school: I've tried both, and I'd rather go to private school as long as
it's not religious. Public schools suck, but that's because they
don't get enough money. *whacks Bush* Come on, stop with your vouchers
and crap and give the public schools some money!
58 Plain milk or chocolate
milk: Chocolate milk as long as it's not made with skim milk...tastes like
chocolate-flavored water. Bleh.
59 Celsius or Fahrenheit:
Fahrenheit, because I'm a stupid American...I can figure out Celsius a
little, though.
60 Spring or Fall: Fall.
No, spring. Erm...okay, spring, because of the palo verde and because
it means only two months until school's out.
61 Math or Art: Math is
evil. Logarithms are evil. Thank god I'm done with my math in other words, art. ^-^
62 One pillow or two: Depends.
Sometimes two is too many, sometimes it's just right.
63 Dogs or Cats: Dogs! *hugs
Gizmo the border collie*
64 Adidas or Nike: Bleh.
65 Coke or Pepsi: Either
is fine. I like cherry coke/pepsi, and I like Pepsi with
new favorite drink. ^-^
66 Oranges or Apples: Apples.
67 Deaf or Blind: I'd have
to be able to read, write, and draw (and do computer stuff, of course),
so I'd rather be deaf. Even though it'd mean no more Kila, David
Arkenstone, or U2 anymore...*sniffle* I'd still be able to deal with that.
68 Pool or hottub: Pool.
69 Blonde or Brunette: Redhead!
70 Guys or Girls: In terms
of sexual preference, both. I like girls a little better, though.
(my Kinsey scale rating is around 3.5 - 4.0) In terms of discrimination,
neither, although I still think women have a long way to come before they're
71 Tall or short: Tall.
I wish I was taller...
72 TV or Radio: I don't
listen to/watch either very much, but I guess videos are fun.
Personal Stance on...
73 Homosexuality: I'm bisexual,
and it'd suck if I were prejudiced against myself...
74 Brand names: Don't care.
Wear what you like. I have a GAP sweatshirt that I got a long time
ago, and I wear it because it still fits and it's there a problem
with that? Only thing that bugs me is poor conditions in sweatshops,
the corporations should be able to provide a lot better for the workers
that are keeping them in business.
75 Abortion: Pro-choice.
It bugs me to no end that the people who are deciding what women can and
can't do with their own reproductive systems are old white guys; this really
isn't their issue to decide.
76 Religion: So long as
you don't shove it down my throat, I'm fine with it. And don't make
the students pray in public schools, and yes, the little "daily minute
of silence" thing that some schools do counts as prayer IMHO. *is also
against "under god" being in the pledge of allegiance, and never said it
throughout junior high school*
77 Animal Rights: I'm kind
of a hypocrite...I believe strongly in animal rights, but I still eat meat.
78 Love at first sight:
I dunno, it's never happened to me...usually I see the person in class
all semester and then during the last couple days I go, "Oh, he/she is
smart and really cute, why did I never notice that before?" And then
I never see him/her again. *cries* Not faaaaair....although getting back
on topic, I believe it happens to some people, yeah. And I believe
in soulmates too. ^-^
79 God: It's a nice idea,
but I don't believe in any sort of higher power. Of any kind.
80 Aliens: Oh, come on,
you can't expect me to believe that in this infinite space we're the only
ones, can you? That's such an arrogant view of the universe.
Yes, I think aliens must exist. When I was little I used to pretend
that I had an alien friend named Caper who was from Pluto...^-^ I watched
too much Sightings when I was a kid.
81 Horoscopes: Sometimes
they're scarily accurate...but then, that's only happened to me maybe once,
twice in my life. Most of the time it's a bunch of crap. And
they just tell you really general stuff too, like, "An unexpected gift
is headed your way," well that could mean anything! (although I do believe
in tarot cards...)
82 Heaven: Don't think it
exists...although it'd be nice though, to have all your dead loved ones
in one convenient place so you could visit all of them. With reincarnation
they could be anywhere.
83 Hell: I really don't
like the idea of hell; why punish us forever for something that we did
for 85 or so years?
84 Reincarnation: I believe
in this. Everyone says I'm an "old soul"...that'd be cool.
85 Transvestites: Drag queens
rock. So do drag kings. Yes, they do exist. Hey, drag
goes both ways, buddy. :P
86 Pop music: Some of it
is okay, but it really bugs me how they call themselves "artists" and all
that crap when they don't even write their own songs. They should
at least do that.
87 Rap: It needs to crawl
up in a hole and die.
88 80's music: Y'know, my
radio station would be perfect if it didn't play so many damn 80s all the
time. They've turned me off of 80s music.
89 Punk: Haven't heard much
punk, but what I've heard is cool. Oh yeah, and I love punky clothes
(like Mikikona and those types of dolls).
Quick Addition
90 What's the prettiest
instrument?: The human voice. There now, isn't that corny?
I think it's true though...only if the person is a good singer, tho.
91 What's the prettiest
part of the body?: Eyes, lips.
92 Biggest fault: I procrastinate.
And I'm a little self-deprecating (I think that's the word) and I get all
cranky and grumpy and depressed once a month, but that's not my faaaault!
93 Political affiliation:
GREEN PARTY! Yaaaaaaay vote for Nader! ^-^ This should probably go
up there under Personal Stance, but I stuck it here...randomly.
94 Do you like your handwriting?:
Not really. Ehh...I can read it but no one else can. I have
really bad handwriting. (I like my handwriting in Japanese, though...when
I can remember the kanji. ^^;;)
95 If you had to get a tattoo,
what would it be?: I've considered this before...I found this design that's
like the kanji for "ryu" (dragon) and it has a picture of a dragon, I'd
get that on my back. Or a dragon or Celtic knot on my ankle.
I probably won't get it, tho.
96 If you had to dye your
hair, what colour?: Red...not cherry red, Weasley red. If I knew
it'd work and it'd look good on me (and my mom wouldn't have a cow) I'd
do it.
97 Obsession: kisekae, anime
(not as much anymore), Harry Potter, yaoi/shounen ai/yuri/shoujo-ai/stuff
like that, drawing, writing, coffee, Irish music, nice-smelling soaps and
body sprays, U2...many things.
98 Looking forward to: Being
Bono for Halloween, and making my friends come with me as the rest of U2.
99 Favourite weather: Rain!
I love the rain...and snow is pretty cool too. I love thunderstorms
also, they're so cool.
100 Worst weather: When
it's really super hot, too hot to move so you just kind of...sit there...all
day...ugh, I hate Tucson in the summer. Sucks. Or when it's
all cloudy and junk but it doesn't rain...I hate overcastness, it's no
fun unless there's rain. :P